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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Last night Gracie was awake, she had a bad dream. She was up most of the night. Then finally she crawled in bed with us. We are all tired today, not much going on.

Yesterday Neil's brother came over with their kids( all teenagers) and Holly and Gracie were very shy. Holly hid under the couch and cried the whole time they were here, how embarrassing. She would not come out. Gracie wasn't as shy, she at least wasn't under the couch crying. She would at least talk to them.

It has been really nice outside all week, which is a change to the normal -30 to -40 degree weather we usually get in January. We have been loving it and have been outside every day.

Not much in the adoption world lately. I was hoping to hear of a court date this week, but it doesn't look like we will have one. I really hope we get a court date soon, I really hate waiting.


  1. Hi there, thanks for sending me the link to your blog. ;)

    Your girls are gorgeous and I'm excited to hear about your court date!


  2. hi i just found you off another blog. :) We are from SK too and are adopting sibs from Ethiopia (thru Imagine...). Our dte was August 5, 2008. I look forward to following your journey! We are in Birch Hills, just 20 min out of PA. Our blog is private but you are welcome to read f you send me your email.:)
    mhovdestad at hotmail dot com
