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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today marks 3 months since we seen our kids pictures for the first time. It seems like such a long time. This is such a long journey. I don't understand why it takes so long. I feel a piece is missing in our family, our kids. They are so far away. I want to hop on a plane and go get them and bring them home with us. This waiting isn't fun.

I had a phone call yesterday. It was our social worker that is working on our inter country adoption, who is from Regina. She was phoning to check up to see where we stood in the adoption process. She asked if we were waiting for visas.

I said: "I wish, visas, no not until we are ready to travel.

She says:"Oh, your STILL waiting for court, it takes that long. It seems like such a long time since we talked to you last."

I said:" Your telling me. I know it takes a long time. It is what it is. We wont be expecting to know about visas until end of April or May at the earliest."

She says :" Wow, May. What a long process."

That was our conversation. Really didn't make me feel better. If she thinks it is a long time, what does she think it feels like for us.I am so grateful that I have my girls to get my mind off of the adoption, some what. Part of my brain is always thinking about our adoption, our kids.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie!

    I stumbled on your blog, good for you, journaling, it something nice to have for your children in the future.

    Feel free to call us anytime with Ethiopia questions, or travel questions or anything! We'd sure like to have you guys over one night and you can watch our video from getting Eden, it's nice to see things before you go so you know what to expect.

    3 months down, hoping your court date is your New Year's Present!

